Data Ethics
- Spotting ethical issues is best done as part of a collaborative team to involve a myriad of different perspectives.
Recourse processes
Software that employs deep learning can behave in unexpected and undpredicable ways, different than the level of unpredictability traditional development comes with.
If there is a bug in how the algorithm is working, like what happened with a healthcare algorithm in Arkansas, this can affect the real lives of thousands of people. In the example of Arkansas, thousands of people lost access or experienced cuts in their healthcare without explanation. Only later was it discovered that a buggy algorithm was reducing benefits for patients with diabetes or cerebral palsy.
Feedback loops
In the case of YouTube, the recommendation algorithm that was designed to maximize user watch time had a side-effect of funneling users into extremist rabbit holes.
Viewers who watch extremist content on average watch more YouTube videos than those who do not consume such content. As a result, the algorithm would attempt to suggest users to watch alarming/fear mongering/extremist content in order to drive engagement out of them.
Feedback loops are created when the model has an effect on the next round of data that will be fed into it. This can lead the model to fall into an equilibrium state that it can't break itself out of without external input.
When companies design an algorithm to optimize for one metric, this can often lead to a myriad of side effects which humans discover and exploit.
Blind optimization of metrics, driven by a hunger for profits, can often lead in dangerous effects like this. Careful consideration of optimization metrics must be taken into account, with the input of a wide diversity of people.
Feedback loops involve the model affecting data that is subsequently being passed into it. Bias involves the data that is used to train a model.
An algorithm for predicting crimes to help resource utilization at police stations could lead to continued over-policing of predominantly black neighborhoods. The data that drives the model would have been fed by historical arrests, and if the police historically targeted black people, then the model will do the same.
Historical Bias
The data that we feed into the model has been shaped by pre-existent cultural biases. Disproportionate numbers of black people in arrest records leads to a model disproportiantely predicting black individuals as criminals. When the model is run against a less biased dataset, it shows higher loss for black individuals.
The shape and structure of the dataset has been affected by cultural contexts. For example, ImageNet performing poorly at detecting images of Indonesian soap versus western soap. This is caused by the dataset consisting primarily of images of western items (mainly because the researchers are predominantly European).
Measurement Bias
We are measuring the wrong thing, or measuring what we want in a way that draws the wrong conclusion. This is often mistaking correlation as causation.
An example is a model that predicts strokes based on other health conditions. The problem is that we're measuring the likelihood of stroke based off the health conditions of people who go to the doctor. Since they are the ones who will have the most documented conditions or health episodes.
Aggregation Bias
This is caused by a model not taking into account all the dynamics and particularities of a system. This is usally caused by a key variable being missed, which leads to poor generalizability.
In diabetes trials a key metric that is monitored are HbA1c levels. Many clinical trials fail to properly account for diversity of ethnicity and gender, which turn out to have complex effects on the dynamics of HbA1c levels.
Representation Bias
Models can often over fit simple generalizations. Like in the case of modeling gender distribution in occupations. Models can over-estimate the number of men in male dominated occupations. This type of bias happens when under-represented groups in the data become even more under-represented in the model.
Addressing Ethical Issues
- Should we even be doing this?
- What bias is in the data?
- Can the code and data be audited?
- What are the error rates for different subgroups?
- What is the accuracy of a simple rule-based alternative?
- What processes are in place to handle appeals or mistakes?
- How diverse is the team that built it?