Professional Work

Written by Sawyer Powell - 2024-05-20 Mon 17:41


ScholarTrack is the primary platform for students in Indiana to apply for, and receive, financial aid for Indiana universities and colleges. This platform was developed in-house by Counterpart for the Indiana Commission of Higher education in 2017. I joined the Counterpart team in 2022 as project manager for the ScholarTrack platform. I've worked with a team of excellent developers at Counterpart in implementing some landmark features, like CHE's pre-admissions and auto-enrollment programs, which are set to give tens of thousands of students in Indiana a leg up for getting into university. Each year our platform powers the distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars of financial aid for students across Indiana.


CHEDSS is the internal data analysis tool used by the Indiana Commission of Higher education to help them design policy around financial aid distribution. CHEDSS is used by the Indiana government, alongside Indiana universities, to coordinate data collection, analyze trends, and take action on college enrollment targets. I took over as technical lead for this project at Counterpart in 2022, where I spearheaded a full redesign of their system.


ngx-natlang is a collection of open source tools I worte, primarily for internal use at Counterpart, to make it simple to write AI powered experiences in Angular (and AngularJS for some of our legacy projects). ngx-natlang builds upon the concept of AI tools and extends it to the concept of actions, which are pieces of logic that deeply integrate into the frontend of the application. Actions take structured input from the AI and feed that into a user defined functions. These functions can make http requests, render custom components to an AI chat window, manipulate arbitary frontend components, or even create custom dialog trees the user can have with the AI. actions offer a convenient interface for programmers to exercise fine control over how a user interacts with an AI.

ngx-natlang is currently being deployed in various projects at Counterpart.

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