Deep Learning: The Journey Begins

Dipping my toes into

Written by Sawyer Powell - 2025-01-21 Tue 21:02

Deep Learning is a complex topic, one that has always interested me, but one that I've struggled to get a foothold in learning. I've been fortunate to have discovered the learning material provided by, a nonprofit research group dedicated to making AI more accessible. Led by the inspiring Jeremy Howard, he and his team have provided masterful education material on a swath of AI topics. Their teaching methodology is simple, direct, and laser focused on empowering you to solve real problems. Best of all, it's totally free.

Deep Learning for Coders with and PyTorch

On a recent flight from San Francisco to visit family in Indianapolis, I got through the first 100 or so pages of this book. It's been a long time that any book has kept my attention like this has. I hope to summarize some of the things that I've learned in the book so far, as well as provide some code examples of some of the initial models I have trained.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a collection of techniques for internalizing relationships. The relationships that deep learning is typically used to understand are complex and difficult to articulate. Tesla might use deep learning to understand the relationship between the body language of a person crossing the street, and their expected position on the street after a given period of time. Once this relationship is understood, Tesla could use it to help their self-driving vehicles better avoid collisions with jaywalkers. Much like how our intuitive understanding of the relationship between the movement and position of objects helps us to do activities like juggling and baseball.

Understanding relationships helps us to make predictions, it also helps us to classify things. When I look out at the world, I'm able to break down what I see into various different things. That's an apple, that's my laptop, that's a blanket. How am I able to do this? My brain is able to understand the relationship between patterns of light and a huge dictionary of objects and things. This relationship can be understood almost like a mathematical function, which takes light as input and produces a name as output.

If I want to do the same thing with my phone's camera, like what Google Lens does, I'll need to somehow teach my phone the relationship between patterns of pixels in its images and a huge dictionary of objects and things. Getting those relationships is effectively intractable through traditional algorithms (imagine trying to write a program that could identify a corgi in an image, knowing that, at the pixel level, different corgi images would be completely different). Deep learning provides state of the art techniques for internalizing relationships, like that between an image and a label. One such deep learning technique, or more precisely architecture, is the Convolutional Neural Network (or CNN for short). CNNs were originally designed to help us model relationships where images are the input. This leads to products like Google Lens where it seems the program, almost magically, knows what it is looking at.

Deep learning models are computer programs, and like any computer program they take data as input and produce data as output. All deep learning programs start as an implementation of a certain architecture, like the CNN, which defines a blueprint for their structure. Much like a fisherman would design their net in such a way to pick up only the fish they wanted from the sea, a deep learning program's architecture is specifically designed to capture only the type of relationships the data scientist is interested in.

Once the architecture is configured, data is fed into the program, which the program uses to produce an output. The output of the program is measured against some criteria, allowing us to adjust the internals of the program to (hopefully) produce an output closer to what we expect. We keep feeding inputs into the program, measuring its outputs, and tweaking its internals until we are satisfied with its behavior. This feedback loop is not a manual process, but is managed by a host of clever machine learning algorithms.

Once a deep learning program is behaving how we like it, we can say our program implements a deep learning model. We have modeled the relationship that we were interested in. These models can usually be exported from the program into a file and shared. Websites like Hugging Face allow netizens to share and develop such models with each other.

In Short

Deep learning architectures allow us to internalize relationships in data. Deep learning programs allow us to generate and make use of deep learning models, which encode these relationships. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a type of deep learning architecture which allows us to capture relationships involving images, specifically where the image needs to be the input in a deep learning program.

A CNN for Classifying Cats and Dogs

Getting the data

from import * path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)/'images'

This imports all the functions from the vision library and downloads all the images from the Oxford IIIT Pet dataset from the datasets collection. untar_data downloads and extracts all the images from the provided URL into a directory on your computer (it was /root/.fastai/data on my colab container).

The untar_data function returns a python Path object, which enables the nifty /'images' syntax.

In the downloaded dataset, in the images folder, is a list of over 7,000 images of dogs and cats. Each image is labeled with the breed of the animal, alongside a number. E.g. shih-tzu-12.jpg indicates that this image is the 12th Shih-Tzu that's appeared in the dataset. By convention, the dataset capitalizes the first letter of the file if it contains a cat, and doesn't if it contains a dog.

Preparing the Data

dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
    path, get_image_files(path),
    lambda x: x[0].isupper(), valid_pct=0.2,
    seed=42, item_tfms=Resize(224))

Next, we need to prepare our data for being fed into a deep learning program. To do this, provides a whole host of wrappers around the DataLoader object provided by PyTorch.'s DataLoader objects offer convenient ways of quickly formatting and preprocessing our training data. In the code above, we pass in the path of where to save an export of our model (in our case we just choose the same folder as our dataset, it's arbitrary), next we pass in a list of image file paths, as a shorthand we use's get_image_files function to retrieve all the image files in our path variable. Next, we define our labelling function, which in our case should be a function that returns true if the image is of a cat and false if it's a dog. Remember, we can distinguish between the two based on whether the first letter of the filename is capitalized.

valid_pct defines how much of our training set should be set aside for use as a validation set. We set aside a portion of our data for validating our model against. If we trained on all the data, the model might simply memorize the relationships between the inputs and outputs. This is called overfitting and is a major concern in deep learning, as well as many other fields in machine learning. So, we set aside a validation set that we only use to validate how well our model is performing. In the above, we ask to set aside 20% of our training data.

Since deep learning employs the use of random numbers we set seed to be an arbitrary number, this way we can get reproducible results on repeated training attempts. This makes it easier for us to qualify performance improvements we're making to our models.

Finally, we define an item transform. Item transforms are functions that are applied to all of items (in our case, files) in our dataset. We set our images to be resized to 224px squares, that are maximized either in height or in width. 224px is a historical standard, anything can be used here. It's important though that they are all the same size, with larger sizes creating a tradeoff in increased model performance vs increased training time. This has to do with how the model ingests the data and learns (partially since deep learning models accept a fixed amount of input parameters).

Full function signature for reference

ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(path:str|Path, fnames:list, label_func:callable, valid_pct=0.2, seed=None, item_tfms=None, batch_tfms=None, img_cls=, bs:int=64, val_bs:int=None, shuffle:bool=True, device=None)

Learning from the Data

learn = cnn_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate)

We then create a cnn_learner, which creates an object that we can use to train a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). CNN, as mentioned before, are widely used for classifying the contents of images. We pass in our DataLoader, and the specific architecture/type of CNN that we want to train (resnet34 in our case, which corresponds to the resnet architecture at 34 layers). We also specify that we want to display the error_rate in the console at the end of every epoch, meaning at the end of each full pass through our dataset.

One thing that isn't shown here is the fact that the cnn_learner function will, by default, initially download a pre-existing model when it initializes the CNN. After the model is downloaded, cnn_leaner will chop off the last layer (which are used for generating the model output), and replace it with a last layer suited to the format of the data specified in the DataLoader, with random initial configuration. This allows us to create a super powerful model much more cheaply than if we started from scratch, and with a lot less data. We can take advantage of the work already done by pre-existing models, since a general model trained for recognition on millions of images will have transferable skills in detecting cats and dogs in the dataset we're interested in.


Finally, we train our model. Here we use the method fine_tune with a a parameter of 1, which means 1 epoch, specifying that training should only consist of one full pass through the data. More epochs can be used at the expense of longer training times, good to start at a low number generally, more epochs can always be run later.

Since we are using a pre-existing dataset we use the fine_tune function to train our data. Fine tuning is different than training from scratch, and there are some tricks baked into the fine_tune function that are designed to preserve the capabilities of the base model. One such trick is prioritizing updating later layers of the model rather than earlier ones, since early layers usually contain many of the fundamental features that describe the domain we're interested in, something we want the base model to provide us.

Training on my free tier Google Colab workspace took around 2 minutes.

Using the model

img = PILImage.create("path-to-image")
is_cat,_,probs = learn.predict(img)

PILImage is a general class in the library for handling images. Here we point it to the file path of the image we're interested in classifying and pass it into learn.predict(). This uses the model we trained above to to judge whether the image contains a cat or a dog. Note that when the model is trained, using it to predict things is much quicker than training it. This is generally true.

A CNN for identifying Musicians

To learn some more about how to find my own data and prepare it, I decided to train a model using the same technique as was done for cats and dogs, but for differentiating humans. I picked out 4 of some of my favorite musicians, and the results were very interesting.

Check it out on Colab

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